Business License And Work Permit (GSM)
Business License And Work Permit For Non-Sanitary Enterprises (GSM)
Business License and Work Permit within the boundaries of Organized Industrial Zone is given by the Directorate of Organized Industrial Zone in accordance with the regulations relating to Business License and Work Permit, which has entered into force by being published in Official Gazette No. 25902 dated 10.08.2005 in accordance with (h) paragraph of Article 85 of Municipalities Law No. 5393.
Article 6- A business cannot be begun and cannot be operated without taking Business License and Work Permit from competent administrations.
Non-Sanitary Enterprises: They are the enterprises which damage or may damage those around biologically, chemically, physically, psychologically and /or socially or they are the enterprises that may be the reason of pollution of natural resources.
Licenses are drawn up as 1st class, 2nd class or 3rd class according to activities and capacity of business.
Documents Required For Business License And Work Permit For Non-Sanitary Enterprises
1. Letter of Application (with company letterheads)
2. Application Form(can be obtained from ÇOSB)
3. Environmental Impact Assessment Report
4. Fire Department Report (taken from ÇOSB)
5. Occupancy Permit (habitation) (taken from ÇOSB)
6. Production Flowdown and Capacity Report (Chamber of Industry and Commerce)
7. Responsible Manager Agreement
8. Place that drinking and utility water is provided in areas where there is no city feeder water should be specified. Bacteriological and chemical analysis report of water should be submitted (Official Sealed).
9. The commitment about said enterprise will comply with Environmental Protection Regulations No.2872 about measures to be taken to prevent pollution of the environment (Notarized).
10. Environmental Permit
11. Discharge Permit (Channel Access Certificate) (ÇOSB)
12. License Fee Receipt (it will be paid to Special Provincial Administration or in account of the relevant Municipality )
Application and Declaration Form (F-020)
Undertaking of Compliance (F-024)